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Summer of 2023 (Current):

Codepath Intro to Software Engineering


MAT 115 Precalculus



Spring of 2023:

CPS 245 (Intro to Java)

(This was an amazing class to go back to the basics of the java programming language. Learned a lot about commenting, Objects and Classes, data types, and object oriented programming with a heavy emphasis on clean code and what it means to write organized code.)

MAT 98/108 (College Algebra and Algebra literacy)

(Great way to continue building up my math skills. Worked a lot with algebraic equations.)

INT 283 (Global Sustainability)

(Got to appreciate the beauty of earth and understand the importance of recycling and how to continue to treat this planet well so that we can maximize the resources of our planet.)

ENG 102 (Advanced English)

(I spent this class time writing a research paper about the effects of ChatGPT and Artificial intelligence and the effects of having it in schools.)



Fall of 2022:


BUS 101 (Intro to business)

(Got to learn about many different aspects of what goes into the world of business from Finance to human resources. This class helped broaden my understanding of how a business works.)

HIS 218 (US History and Vietnam)

(This was my toughest class of the whole semester.  We spent the time learning about the history of Vietnam and what led up to the war happening. In summary, The Vietmanese are a group of people who have been suffering their whole lives and have had a string of bad luck when it comes to finding solid leadership.)

LEC 100 (Freshman Math Seminar)

(This was a class where I got to take a look at the problem-solving aspects of everyday math and techniques towards solving math problems. It led to meaningful conversations about many different topics from soccer to Nicholas Cage and relating it back to math.)

ENG 101 (Intermediate English)

(Sharpened my writing skills and worked towards being able to think critically while reading)

Self-Paced Alek's Math

(Spent a semester in between math levels and working at my own pace to get up to the next level.)



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